
Dubbing manufacturing process - how to make dubbing?

2020-05-07 317

Dubbing is also called dubbing actor. At the beginning, it was called a kind of acting art. It mainly refers to the person who matches the dialogue for the film, which is different from stage actors and film actors. They reproduce the image of the characters in the original film (play) from the dynamic and static, and take the dynamic and static as their acting method. Before dubbing, it is necessary for them to make a full analysis of the story, artistic style, style and era background of the original film, and then draw up their own dubbing plan for a character, also known as "dynamic and static costumes". In addition to the dubbing actors who need to record their lines, in some films, because the actors' voice is not good, their speech is not standardized or does not meet the requirements of the characters' temperament, they do not choose their own movements, but ask the dubbing actors to dub the film in the later recording. Now most dubbing workers refer to dubbing workers in a broad sense, and the types of work of dubbing workers are now tending to be diversified, Not just dubbing characters. So how can you count as a professional dubber?


1. As a professional dubber, the first condition is that the dubbing operation is full of love. As the saying goes, preference is the best teacher. Having great enthusiasm and preference for dubbing is certainly the most necessary condition for becoming a professional dubbing teacher.
2. As a professional dubbing engineer, another condition is to know what kind of dubbing content or policy you need. Generally speaking, the more common are feature film dubbing, animation dubbing, advertising dubbing, film dubbing, TV dubbing, radio dubbing, and other special manuscript dubbing, such as novel dubbing, RBT dubbing, courseware dubbing, character dubbing in game software, singing, voice telephone, voice information recording, voice message dubbing, imitation dubbing, etc.
How can a dubber produce a good work?
1. Dubbing is not limited to its own movements and can imitate movements other than its own, including age, temperament, sound quality, timbre, tone, intonation and language habits.
2. Dubbing society's control of different moods included in different policies and contents.
3. In film and television dubbing, pay attention to cutting the picture into sections, which is a major feature of film and television production. How to make the characters' emotion line continuously and make the dynamic and static changes attached to the plot development, we should first understand the penetration of the characters' behavior, understand the connection of the days in the characters' hearts, and grasp the overall sense of the plot development, so that the characters' emotional line can be improved.
Article source: Jiangmen recording production http://m.singaporeferragamo.com

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