
Film and television production is widely used in corporate image publicity and promotion

2020-03-24 326

Film and television are widely used in corporate image publicity and promotion; It has wide social acceptance. Enterprise introduction feature film or product promotion feature film has the characteristics of large amount of information; However, the traditional film photography cost is not easy for small and medium-sized enterprises to accept. We have many years of professional film and television manufacturing experience and use modern digital equipment to launch a cost-effective film and television feature film manufacturing and processing plan. Film and television is a direct, active, accurate and useful way to promote enterprise image and product image; Corporate image advertising can combine corporate philosophy and vision, so that the enterprise can convey its special consistent and outstanding image to the public.


1. Just as it is a part of people's daily life, TV advertising is also a part of daily life. Therefore, it is necessary to create high-quality TV advertisements to improve people's daily quality.

2. It may take three days to shoot a 30 second TV advertisement, but it requires a variety of equipment and props. Therefore, its cost is relatively high.

3. We support the use of full digital methods for TV advertising shooting, including digital and digital editing equipment. However, it is necessary to pay attention to the idea of humanity and focus on the comedy and wonderful dramatic conflict in humanity.

4. First class TV advertisements are those that catch the audience at once. It allows the audience to stop doing other things, stop knitting, prepare to walk away or hug. It allows viewers to watch the information of the products they want to buy. It is necessary for TV advertisements to catch the audience in one second or at most five seconds, so the script of TV advertisements should fascinate the audience in the initial scene.

Article source: Jiangmen film and television production http://m.singaporeferragamo.com

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