
Film and television production promotional film shooting angle and technique

2020-01-09 336

1. Overhead Photography: from top to bottom

When looking up at a target, the observer will feel that the target is particularly tall. Camera shooting is the same reason. When we need to experience a majestic and tall image, we can take this way to shoot. However, if it is not used well, this angle is particularly easy to form a sense of oppression.

2. Horizontal shooting: shooting in horizontal direction

This is the shooting angle most in line with people's visual habits, and the pictures are relatively peaceful and stable. The key point to note is that the lens and the subject should always be on the same horizontal line. For example, if you shoot an adult of the same height, the camera should be carried on your shoulder; If you are shooting a child playing on the floor, you need to kneel or lie directly on the floor.


3. Top view: from top to bottom

It is generally used for the combination of ultra-high angle and ultra far picture to realize the whole play shooting of a large scene (such as street view, ball game, etc.). It can show the sense of hierarchy and depth of the picture. The scene shot from this perspective will give the viewer a sense of superiority.

4. Object perspective: the perspective of a specific object

This shooting technique is mainly to enhance the viewer's sense of substitution, such as seeing the world from the perspective of a cat or seeing everything around from the perspective of a child. Always run through the perspective of the subject, whether the subject is high or low.

Article source: Jiangmen film and television production http://m.singaporeferragamo.com

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