
Photography skills of how to shoot advertising blockbusters

2019-11-07 394

Food photography is a kind of still life photography. If you follow certain photography skills, pay attention to light and viewpoint, and pay more attention to color matching and composition, you can take popular net red photos.

However, if you are not willing to take photos and just want to take a big picture of food advertising, here are some tips!


When taking pictures of things with liquid, try the process of falling from top to bottom, or add water spray next to them. Take pictures at high speed with a flash. The splashing water will make the picture more flexible.

Powder sprinkling

Sometimes the manufacturing process of sub food is more attractive than the food itself. When making bread, take the posture of flying powder. The interaction between people and food conveys the meaning of the birth of food. If you want to shoot the Kung Fu of the kneading master, the flying dust is the best language.

Transpiration heat

Every time I see food with smoke, it's like smelling aroma, especially describing a sense of nostalgia. Warm bone soup, hot tea and evaporated heat convey the temperature of food and story. It will feel warm in the cold winter.

Creative photo painting

Any light source can be used as a part of imaging. Painting with light can create an atmosphere that can confuse dreams. It is also suitable to take pictures of some mysterious objects. There is no need for PS to have a cool sense of technology. That's how the texture of advertising blockbusters comes from.

Variable Suspension

I don't know if you've ever seen flying food. Many food blockbusters choose to take photos like this. I've tried to shoot delicious food at 0 °, 45 ° and 90 °. It's better to let them fly. In that way, the circle of friends will surely reap a great harvest.

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